Like many organisations we shall be holding this year’s Annual General Meeting by Zoom. Please note the date and time: Tuesday, 17th November at 6.30pm. The Zoom link was e-mailed to everyone for whom we have an e-mail address.
The agenda is:
Apologies for absence
Approval of the Minutes of the 2019 AGM (*)
Brief overview of the past year - provided as a report by the Co-ordinator during year, Sue Oriel
Short Financial Report - Hon. Treasurer Luiz Motta
Member’s Questions
Election of Officers (the Standing Committee): Co-ordinator / Road Representatives / Hon. Secretary (**) / Hon. Treasurer / Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator
(*) 2019 AGM notes can be found in May 2020 newsletter
(**) Nominees for the election of Officers of the Association should be made in writing to the
Interim Co-ordinator at least seven (7) days before the AGM. Such nominations must be
supported by a Seconder and the consent of the proposed nominee must first have been
obtained. Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must be members of the Association.