The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham is an amalgam of the two previously separate boroughs and is run from Hammersmith Town Hall. Fulham Town Hall has become very much the secondary location although it usefully contains the Registry Office.
Main contact details are:
The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.
Town Hall, King Street, Hammersmith,
London. W6 9JU.
Tel: 020 8748 3020
web: www.lbhf.gov.uk
The web site is extremely helpful and worth exploring. It is particularly useful for the on-line information it contains about planning applications, the facility to report faults, and details of refuse collections over holiday periods.
The Council is run on the Cabinet model with the councillors who are cabinet members each responsible for a specific portfolio. Councillors are elected by Ward. The PRARA area falls into both Parsons Green & Walham and Sands End wards which means we have six councillors to take care of our interests. They are available to help you with any concern you want to raise with them. Following the May 2014 elections the Council changed from a Conservative to a Labour administration, although all six Councillors for our two Wards remained Conservative.
Clicking each name will take you direct to their details page (complete with picture) on the Council web site:
Palace & Hurlingham
Parsons Green & Sandford
It is usually best to raise any complaints direct with the relevant council department or council officer as soon as possible. The Council is steadily increasing its on-line services and it is worth seeing if you can deal with matters via the web site. There is a "Report it" link on the top right hand corner and the email address is cleaner.greener@lbhf.gov.uk
Please try and inform your Road Representative if you think it is something that could affect others. PRARA - either on a road basis via your Road Representative or collectively - is best able to assist when a matter affects several members or a wider area. This is particularly the case for concerns over planning applications.
A useful telephone number for services such as special refuse collections and overhanging vegetation is the borough's so-called "Hot Line" 020 8753 1100. However, it is important to realise that this is now just a call centre and it is advisable to follow up all requests to check that they have been actioned by the relevant department.
Residents' Portal
Planning database
Register to be notified of Planning and Licensing Application