Dear PRARA Members,
We hope very much that you and your family are all well and, if possible, enjoying (or at least surviving) your period of isolation. These are indeed strange times.
On the plus side, however, many wonderful people, mainly the younger generation and of course family members, have stepped up and offered assistance to those mainly older people having problems related to staying in - such as shopping, dog walking, collecting prescriptions and simply just calling and chatting.
If you are struggling, there are many excellent resources and of course, PRARA is no exception.
The on-line neighbourhood site NextDoor has many many wonderful offers of assistance from your close neighbours. Go to and set up an account in minutes to contact neighbours and those making offers of help.
Or if you would prefer to contact a familiar name/face, email me, or Marji or Anthony who will endeavour to assist you ourselves or make a trusted introduction to someone who can.
Our emails are:
Marji -
Very best wishes Sue Oriel PRARA Co-ordinator m. 07768 231058