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Letter to Cllr. Ben Coleman


PRARA sent a letter to Cllr. Ben Coleman expressing dissatisfaction with the way the South Fulham LTN scheme is being conducted.

The full text of the letter is included below.


Dear Cllr. Coleman,

As I expect you know by now, PRARA represents eight of the roads adversely affected by your east of Wandsworth Bridge Road LTN scheme. We also have members in other affected roads.

Residents of these roads have attended a series of meetings with you and your officers. The meetings are unstructured, unproductive and inconclusive and only lead to yet another meeting without outcomes. We therefore do not see any value in continuing to participate in any further unstructured meetings. This includes any planned meetings of the three 'working parties' as mentioned in Conor Saunders e-mail of 12th January as we consider it highly unlikely that they would be able to deliver a consensus.

When you can put before us fully developed schemes with demonstrable evidence of their practicality and benefit we - and we are sure all residents of south Fulham - will be happy to consider them in a properly organised and structured consultation.

It is clear from the discussions at the meeting on 16th December that any comprehensive scheme to reduce through traffic in south Fulham and improve air quality could not be implemented for many months. The postponement of this week's meeting is further evidence of this. It is entirely unreasonable to expect residents to continue suffering from the adverse consequences of the SW6 LTN scheme you introduced in July for potentially a full year.

You have made it quite clear that the SW6 LTN scheme is experimental. It is equally clear to everyone living on the west side of Wandsworth Bridge Road that the experiment has failed. Other local authorities who introduced such traffic schemes which have not worked as intended have admitted this and withdrawn them. We call upon you to do the same - and quickly.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Williams

PRARA Co-ordinator

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