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2015 AGM Minutes


The 2015 Annual General Meeting was held in Sulivan School in Peterborough Road on September 15th at 7.00pm, having been notified in the August Newsletter. Co-ordinator Sue Oriel (SO) welcomed everyone to the meeting and especially the Neighbourhood Question Time panel members. Apologies for absence were noted verbally and the Minutes of the 2014 AGM were approved. SO noted that the past year had been relatively quiet, with the main issues being overhanging trees in South Park and the traffic problems associated with Ecole Marie d’Orliac / Fulham Bilingual in Clancarty Road. The Thames Tunnel continued to be of great concern. Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary Jonnie Godfrey reported that in the last year membership numbers had remained stable at 149 households. During the year donations totalling £55.00 had been recevived and there had been expenditure of £47.19. After bringing forward the money recorded as at 31st December 2014 (the PRARA year is now the calendar year), the accounts show that on 14th September PRARA’s cash in hand was £384.77. This was noted. No nominations had been received for membership of the Standing Committee. With the exception of Sue and Lance Pierson, all Officers and Members of the Standing Committee had offered themselves for re-election. They were all duly were re-elected and are listed at the end of this newsletter. SO appealed for Neighbourhood Watch person to take over from Lance & Sue Pierson and noted that Tony Bell had been co-opted as our new Pub liaison taking over from Chrissy Stenning. The formal business being completed, SO introduced the panel members. They were: Lady Dido Berkeley (founder of the environmental group Thamesbank) who spoke about her long term campaign to preserve the biodiversity and accessibility to Londoners to the Thames. The construction of the Thames Tunnel brings into focus the need for integrated water resource management in London rather than treat rainfall as waste water. She said this will have greater cost benefits for the city at a time of climate change in the 21st century. Thamesbank has set up the Thames Blue Green Economy to this end and to undermine the need for the very expensive and disruptive Thames Tunnel. She is supporting the Carnwath Road Coalition. Leon Wilson, Senior Vice-Principal of the Hurlingham Academy who explained how the change in status of the school, plus a new head and staff had turned round a failing school. His personal long-term aim is to make the school the first choice for local families. He was pleased to report that the school had established a 6th Form. Robert Largan, a local Councillor for Sands End, reported on his membership of the Council’s planning committee and his campaign to save the 424 bus route. He also spoke about the need for local affordable housing, fly tipping problems, and responded to a question about bringing the empty properties in South Park into community use. In discussion, other South Park issues included the trees overhanding the gardens of houses in Settrington Road and the need for rubbish bins in for the netball court/ PC Alex Douglas, Sands End SNT, spoke about local crime statistics, which are the lowest rates in the borough; provided advice on crime prevention; and answered questions on the effect of policing budget cuts. The Metropolitan Police Service works towards achieving various targets. For 2016 these are specified in MOPAC 7 which lists the categories of crime being targetted. Members expressed concern about local disruption caused by the annual Prudential Ride London cycle event. Robert Largan undertook to follow up on this. End.

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